Dylan likeS to also go out and play on the swingset that our handy-men Greg and Roger fixed. He will say "Mommy you make supper, I play outside"!!!
Grandma Anita went and got a load of sand for her sandbox she just had bulit and also for ours that we just had bulit(and some too for cousin Zac), so she dumped it last night up north of our house and we were so excited to get some in our sandbox we hauled it down with the wagon and a bucket.
Here Dylan is helping Mommy!!!
At last we made it to the sandbox!! We did about 8 loads and still not a lot of sand in the sandbox but it's such a busy time around here I'm not sure anyone will be able to help us for awhile so for the time being this is what we are going to do if we want to play with sand!!
So everyone is welcome to come over and play....just bring your bucket if you want to play with the sand!!!:-) LOL!!!
YEA!!! I've been wanting to see your finished yard project. WOW, the sand box is huge! Dylan will love it when it gets filled.